Are colds, mucous, and coughs interrupting your horses training programme?
Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) is a complex disease – it’s highly infectious and outbreaks can be costly!
Similar to children getting colds when they start attending kindergarten, young horses entering into training are often exposed to carriers of the virus. EHV is spread by direct contact between horses and via contaminated gear, tack or surroundings. It can survive in the environment for up to 1 month. It is also transferred via droplets in the air, when an infected horse sneezes or coughs.
Both clinical and subclinical carriers of EHV can infect your horse with cold like symptoms and delay preparation for the racing/competition season.
Innovator EHV-1/4 helps protect against respiratory disease caused by the virus. The first injection should be given from 5 months of age and needs to be boosted 3 to 4 weeks later. To maintain protection a booster should be given every 6 months.
We recommend vaccinating your horses against respiratory disease especially if you have young horses kept together at stables or if you are bringing them in to training.
Please contact us if you would like to find out more if to book your horse/s in (06) 876 7001.