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Wolf teeth are technically known as the first premolar teeth in horses.  They usually erupt into the mouth at between five and twelve months of age, but do not continue to grow or erupt into the mouth as do the rest of the cheek teeth.  It has been estimated that approximately seventy percent of horses…


Unusual Hind Limb Gait Abnormalities

There are a number of conditions of the hind leg in the horse that cause very specific, atypical type lameness and gait abnormalities. These include stringhalt, shivers, upward patella fixation, fibrotic myopathy and rupture of the peroneus tertius muscle. Dave Kruger outlines each of these medical conditions and what to look out for below. STRINGHALT…



The transportation of horse to events in NZ (such as HOY) is commonplace but in saying that it needs to be managed to maximise athletic performance, and minimise the risk of any negative impact on horse health. After all it is a long expensive and disappointing trip to an event to have your horse perform…


The Importance of Vaccinations.

Vaccination provides your horse important protection against some of the more serious and potentially life-threatening diseases that can occur. They act to stimulate the body’s natural response to a disease, allowing a rapid and effective response if that disease is encountered later in life. This can be the difference between severe clinical disease and a…



Stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers) are a hot topic! Stomach ulceration is a somewhat confusing syndrome – the syndrome can have a multitude of clinical signs, ranging from very subtle performance issues, or picky eating, to weight loss and colic. There is also a multitude of products on the market which claim to help with ulcers,…


Shockwave Therapy

What is it, and why are we using it in horses? VS Equine recently purchased a portable Radial Pressure Wave device so that our veterinary team can offer shockwave therapy for treating musculoskeletal problems, soft-tissue and bone injuries in horses. Radial pressure shockwave offers non-invasive treatment solutions for both acute and chronic, long term insertion…


Selenium Deficiency in Horses

Selenium supplementation is a very topical issue for all horse owners. An essential component in all diets, Selenium plays a vital role in a horse’s metabolism. Together with Vitamin E it is a powerful antioxidant, protecting their cells from damage. The soil in NZ is naturally very low in Selenium, as a result, so are…


Rye Grass Staggers

Is your horse moving like its drunk, trembling, falling over, behaving abnormally, or easily spooked? If any of these symptoms sound familiar, your horse may have rye-grass staggers. Rye-grass staggers is a neurological condition caused by toxins in rye grass affecting the central nervous system. Symptoms – Horses with staggers can show a wide array…


Pre Purchase Examinations

A pre-purchase exam is a fact-finding session and can be a useful tool for both the buyer and the seller. It is not a guarantee, an insurance policy, or a value appraisal and it is not a certificate of ability, temperament, or merit. It is a physical examination for evaluating health and serviceability on a…
